May 13 | 5:30–7 PM @ Freedom Armory

Come join us for this FREE educational event. You will learn when you can legally use your firearm to defend yourself or another person. An experienced attorney will explain the complex legal issues you will face when carrying a firearm.  They will also discuss common mistakes gun owners make to get themselves in trouble. It will be an eye-opening class!

Certain situations may warrant using deadly force (also known as “lethal force”). But it’s ultimately the legal system that determines what is and isn’t justified.

In this seminar you’ll learn:

  • The difference between “force” and “deadly force”
  • The case for using deadly force to protect yourself or someone else
  • Whether displaying a weapon constitutes the use of deadly force
  • Why ignorance of the law is never a good defense
  • The various ways the legal system can handle use-of-force cases
  • How responsible gun owners could still find themselves in court

This event is free for US Law Shield members and Freedom Armory customers!

To register, click HERE and reserve your seat.  Seats are filling up fast, so register now!